Application Reviews

Application Essay Review

The college admission selection process is quite competitive. Most colleges use the essay, personal statements, supplements and student resumes as ways to discover things about you that are not within other areas of the application. These components of your application file need to help you set yourself apart and separate yourself from the other qualified candidates in the applicant pool. What is special about you? Are you creative, funny and compassionate? Are you a thinker, a problem solver and an activist? Do you make things happen, find the good in people and spend most days smiling? Let them know who you are! Let us help!

Essay review provides a comprehensive evaluation of your application essay(s). A College Pursuit professional will provide a thorough edit of topic selection, grammar, spelling and sentence construction. This professional review gives the student objective feedback and necessary edits to ensure an excellent essay. Now the college admission counselors have good reason to want you on their campus as a member of their community. Now they know you!

Type of Document

Short Answer
Personal Statement/Supplements of Length
Brag Sheet/Resume

Initial Review


Subsequence Reviews


Turnaround time for all reviews is less than 48 hours.

The College Pursuit Journal

The College Pursuit Journal is a one-of-a-kind interactive workbook that guides students through the College Selection and Admission (CSA) process. The Journal provides students with a specific methodology outlining the key tasks required as well as a tool for documenting and analyzing their research and tracking their progress in each phase of the process. The College Pursuit Journal is a stand-alone product and can be used by any student seeking an organized approach to an often-overwhelming task.

The College Pursuit Journal supports and reinforces the student workshop curriculum. The Journal is an excellent blueprint for all students and counselors when using our private admission services.

The Journal is given to every student/family that registers for a student workshop or purchases one of our private counseling packages.